News Archive (Back to Homepage)
- [10/2021] Our Cross-lingual COVID-19 fake news dataset has been accepted by ICDMW.
- [10/2021] Give a talk about GNN-based fraud detection at Datafun Summit.
- [9/2021] Be invited to serve as a PC member for SDM 2022.
- [8/2021] The CARE-GNN model proposed by us has been integrated with DGL.
- [8/2021] Be invited to serve as a PC member for WSDM 2022.
- [7/2021] Be invited to serve as a PC member for IJCAI 2022-2024.
- [6/2021] Start the summer intern at Snap Research.
- [5/2021] Our fake news dataset has been added to PyG and DGL as a graph classification benchmark.
- [5/2021] Our GNN-based Fraud Detection toolbox DGFraud-TF2 has upgraded to TensorFlow 2.0.
- [5/2021] Give two talks at F5 Security and Grab Inc. (Slides PDF).
- [5/2021] Be invited to serve as a PC member for ASONAM 2021.
- [5/2021] Release a GNN-based Fake News Detection Repo with two news propagation graph datasets.
- [4/2021] Two papers are accepted by SIGIR 2021.
- [4/2021] One paper is accepted by IEEE TKDE.
- [1/2021] One paper is accepted by The Web Conference 2021.
- [12/2020] I will join the Computational Social Science Team @Snap Research as a research intern in Summer 2021.
- [10/2020] I’ve been invited to serve as PC members for AAAI-21 and IJCAI-21.
- [8/2020] We release an Unsupervised Graph-based Fraud Detection Toolbox.
- [7/2020] One paper is accepted by CIKM 2020.
- [5/2020] One paper is accepted by KDD 2020.
- [5/2020] We release a Deep Graph-based Fraud Detection Toolbox.
- [4/2020] One paper is accepted by SIGIR 2020.
- [7/2019] One paper was accepted to ASONAM 2019.
- [1/2019] Move my personal website from Wordpress to Github.
- [1/2019] Give a talk about graph based spammer detection at Tencent.
- [5/2018] Start summer intern at the Search and Recommendation Group of Huawei Noah’s Ark Lab.
- [2/2018] Publish a dataset with Chinese O2O service Wechat lucky package sharing log between two years.
- [10/2017] An article is published on IEEE Access.
- [8/2017] Start my Ph.D. at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
- [6/2017] Graduate from BUPT and QMUL with the Beijing Excellent Graduate prize.
- [4/2017] Decide to join the BDSC Lab at the University of Illinois at Chicago under the supervision of Prof. Philip Yu.
- [3/2017] Join D-Lab in the Institute for Data Science of Tsinghua University as a research volunteer.
- [9/2016] A paper is accepted by the 2nd workshop of EMGIS in 2016 ACM SIGSPATIAL.
- [8/2016] Attend KDD 2016 at San Francisco.
- [7/2016] Start summer intern at UIC Big Data and Social Computing Lab.
- [6/2016] Attend ICDSC 2016 in Changsha, China.