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I am a research scientist at Visa Research. As a member of the Foundational AI team led by Dr. Mahashweta Das, I am currently working on payment foundation models, and deep learning for authentication and authorization. My research interests include foundation models for tabular and sequential data, ML trust and safety, and graph mining.
Prior to joining Visa, I obtained my Ph.D. in Computer Science at University of Illinois Chicago in 2022, advised by Prof. Philip S. Yu. My Ph.D. dissertation is “Robust Graph Learning for Misbehavior Detection” [PDF]. Before attending UIC, I received my B.E. from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications in 2017.
[07/2024] Be invited to serve as a PC member for KDD'25.
[05/2024] Be invited to serve as a PC member for RecSys'24,MLF@KDD'24,NeurIPS'24.
[04/2024] Our PyGOD Package is accepted by JMLR MLOSS Track.
[03/2024] Our neural network for transactional data (TransNet) is released as defensive publication.
[02/2024] Be invited to serve as a PC member for CySoc@ICWSM'24.
[01/2024] Be invited to serve as a PC member for KDD 2024.
[07/2023] Our TheWebConf'23 paper is featured on Montreal AI Ethics Institute.
[06/2023] Be invited to serve as a PC member for GML4Rec@ICDM'23.
[06/2023] Be invited to serve as a PC member for MLF@KDD'23.
[04/2023] Be invited to serve as a PC member for NeurIPS 2023.
[02/2023] Be invited to serve as a PC member for ECML-PKDD 2023.
[02/2023] One paper is accepted by TheWebConf 2023.
[01/2023] Be invited to serve as a PC member for SIGIR 2023.
[12/2022] Join Visa Research as a full-time research scientist.
[12/2022] Be invited to serve as a PC member for KDD 2023.
[12/2022] Be invited to serve as a PC member for IJCAI 2023.
[12/2022] Our TOIS paper is the most-cited TOIS paper in 2022.
[12/2022] Give a talk about GNN-based Fraud Detection at Wells Fargo.
[10/2022] Our paper has been selected as the best paper honorable mention at CIKM 2022.
[10/2022] Be invited to serve as a PC member for TheWebConf 2023.
[10/2022] I successfully defended my Ph.D. dissertation!
[09/2022] Be invited to serve as a PC member for SDM 2023.
[09/2022] Our node outlier detection benchmark is accepted by NeurIPS 2022.
[09/2022] My blog about GNN-based anomaly detection is featured on TigerGraph Blog.
[08/2022] Our graph attack&defense survey is accepted by IEEE TKDE.
[08/2022] Give a talk about GNN-based Anomaly Detection at Novartis Data Science Seminar.
[08/2022] Give a talk about GNN-based Financial Fraud Detection at Machine Learning in Finance Workshop@KDD'22.
[08/2022] One paper is accepted by CIKM 2022.
[08/2022] Be invited to serve as a PC member for AAAI 2023.
[06/2022] Release a benchmark for node outlier detection on graphs.
[06/2022] Be invited to serve as a reviewer for LoG 2022.
[06/2022] Be invited to serve as a reviewer for NeurIPS 2022.
[05/2022] Be invited to serve as a PC member for ASONAM 2022.
[05/2022] Be invited to serve as a PC member for CIKM 2022.
[04/2022] Be invited to serve as a PC member for CySoc@ICWSM 2022.
[04/2022] Release a Python Library for Graph Outlier Detection (PyGOD).
[04/2022] Received the Papers with Code Contributor Award from Papers With Code.
[03/2022] Be invited to serve as the Video Conference Chair for TheWebConference 2022.
[03/2022] Give a talk at IIT for event and misinformation detection on Twitter [Slides PDF].
[02/2022] I will join VISA Research as a full-time staff research scientist this summer.
[12/2021] Our fraud dataset has become a benchmark on PaperWithCode.
[12/2021] Be invited to serve as a PC member for CONSTRAINT@ACL 2022.
[11/2021] Be invited to serve as a PC member for KDD 2022.
[11/2021] Be invited to serve as the Whova Chair for WSDM 2022, e-meet you in 02/2022!
[10/2021] One paper collaborated with Grab has been accepted by IEEE BigData.
[10/2021] Our Cross-lingual COVID-19 fake news dataset has been accepted by ICDMW.
[10/2021] Give a talk about GNN-based fraud detection at Datafun Summit.
[09/2021] Be invited to serve as a PC member for SDM 2022.
[08/2021] The CARE-GNN model proposed by us has been integrated with DGL.
[08/2021] Be invited to serve as a PC member for WSDM 2022.
[07/2021] Be invited to serve as a PC member for IJCAI 2022-2024.
[06/2021] Start the summer intern at Snap Research.
[05/2021] Our fake news dataset has been added to PyG and DGL as a graph classification benchmark.
[05/2021] Our GNN-based Fraud Detection toolbox DGFraud-TF2 has upgraded to TensorFlow 2.0.
[05/2021] Give two talks at F5 Security and Grab Inc. (Slides PDF).
[05/2021] Be invited to serve as a PC member for ASONAM 2021.
[05/2021] Release a GNN-based Fake News Detection Repo with two news propagation graph datasets.
[04/2021] Two papers are accepted by SIGIR 2021.
[04/2021] One paper is accepted by IEEE TKDE.
[01/2021] One paper is accepted by The Web Conference 2021.
[12/2020] I will join the CSS Team @Snap Research as a research intern in Summer 2021.
[10/2020] Be invited to serve as PC members for AAAI-21 and IJCAI-21.
[08/2020] We release an Unsupervised Graph-based Fraud Detection Toolbox.
[07/2020] One paper is accepted by CIKM 2020.
[05/2020] One paper is accepted by KDD 2020.
[05/2020] We release a Deep Graph-based Fraud Detection Toolbox.
[04/2020] One paper is accepted by SIGIR 2020.
[07/2019] One paper was accepted to ASONAM 2019.
[01/2019] Move my personal website from Wordpress to Github.
[01/2019] Give a talk about graph based spammer detection at Tencent.
[05/2018] Start summer intern at the Search and Recommendation Group of Huawei Noah’s Ark Lab.
[02/2018] Publish a dataset with Chinese O2O service Wechat lucky package sharing log.
[10/2017] An article is published on IEEE Access.
[08/2017] Start my Ph.D. at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
[06/2017] Graduate from BUPT and QMUL with the Beijing Excellent Graduate prize.
[04/2017] Decide to join the BDSC Lab at UIC under the supervision of Prof. Philip Yu.
[03/2017] Join D-Lab in the Institute for Data Science of Tsinghua University as a research volunteer.
[09/2016] A paper is accepted by the 2nd workshop of EMGIS in 2016 ACM SIGSPATIAL.
[08/2016] Attend KDD 2016 at San Francisco.
[07/2016] Start summer intern at UIC Big Data and Social Computing Lab.
[06/2016] Attend ICDSC 2016 in Changsha, China.
Talks and Blogs
[Talk] GNN-based Fraud Detection: from Research to Application at Wells Fargo.[Blog] Graph Neural Network-based Graph Outlier Detection: A Brief Introduction at TigerGraph Blog.[Talk] GNN-based Anomaly Detection: from Research to Application at Novartis Data Science Seminar.[Talk] Leveraging GNNs for Financial Fraud Detection: Practices and Challenges at KDD 2022, Washington DC.[Talk] Mining Twitter for Social Event and Misinformation Detection at IIT, Chicago.[Talk] GNN-based Fraud Detection: from Research to Application at Datafun Summit.[Talk] Robust Fraud Detection against Adversarial Fraudsters at F5 Security and Grab Inc.[Blog] Tackling Fake Downloads in Mobile App Markets at Medium.[Talk] An Introduction to Graph-based Spam Review Detection. at Tencent.Selected Publications
PyGOD: A Python Library for Graph Outlier Detection. Kay Liu*, Yingtong Dou* et al.
JMLR 2024.
BOND: Benchmarking Unsupervised Outlier Node Detection on Static Attributed Graphs. Kay Liu*, Yingtong Dou*, Yue Zhao* et al.
NeurIPS 2022.
[Paper][Code][Chinese Blog][BibTeX]
Automating DBSCAN via Deep Reinforcement Learning. Ruitong Zhang, Hao Peng, Yingtong Dou, Jia Wu, Qingyun Sun, Jingyi Zhang, Philip S. Yu.
ACM CIKM. 2022. (Best Paper Honorable Mention)
User Preference-aware Fake News Detection. Yingtong Dou, Kai Shu, Congying Xia, Philip S. Yu, Lichao Sun.
ACM SIGIR. 2021. (Trending New Datasets for 2021)
[Paper][Code][Slides][Video][PyG Example][DGL Example][Data][Chinese Blog][BibTeX]
Enhancing Graph Neural Network-based Fraud Detectors against Camouflaged Fraudsters. Yingtong Dou, Zhiwei Liu, Li Sun, Yutong Deng, Hao Peng, Philip S. Yu.
ACM CIKM. 2020. (Top 10 Influential Papers at CIKM’20)
[Paper][Code][Slides][DGL Example][BibTeX]
Robust Spammer Detection by Nash Reinforcement Learning. Yingtong Dou, Guixiang Ma, Philip S. Yu, Sihong Xie.
[Paper][Code][Slides][Video][Chinese Blog][BibTeX]
(All publications)